Success Case: Mystro Achieves 33% Increase (9% up to 12%) in Trial-to-Paid Plan Conversions

Mystro logo
SaaS Mobile App


Y Combinator startup Mystro, a mobile app subscription service (SaaS) that helps rideshare drivers automate repetitive tasks in their business, achieved a 33% increase in overall revenue working with DeltΔgency.


Help Uber, Lyft & Postmates drivers make up to 30% more


No in-house marketer




Achieve consistent growth to reach profitability

Acquisition gradient icon

Acquisition Successes

Mystro found great success in Paid Social advertising on Facebook. Additionally, organic traffic from the app store rounded up the majority of new users. DeltΔgency took over from a dedicated Facebook Agency and was able to improve performance in both Paid Social and Organic App Store installs.

Facebook ad a/b testing
Paid Social

Facebook Ads

CPI Decrease

Driving down the Cost Per Install (CPI) for your mobile app should be an ongoing initiative. Leveraging a/b testing and a new “Lifestyle” creative campaign, DeltΔgency improved CPI by 20% above and beyond what the previous “Facebook Agency” attained after fully optimizing their campaigns (they were let go shortly after Mystro starting working with Deltagency).

Paid Ads for Apps

Google Play Ads Optimization

CPI (Decreased to $2 & as Low as $1.15)

Expanding and testing new channels is critical to the longevity, adaptability, and scalability of any business. While Facebook was performing at an acceptable level, Google Play Store ads delivered a CPI that was 50% less than FB. a/b testing reduced this even further.

Google Ads logo
Mystro Google Play Store SEO
App Store SEO

Google Play Store Optimization

Increase in Installs (75th Category Percentile)

If you are not continually optimizing your listing in the app stores, like Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store, then you will get buried by competing apps. Iterating on Mystro’s headline, description, etc. resulted in a ranking increase across several target Keywords, improved conversion (app installs) by 4%, and boosted Mystro to the 75th percentile for their category.

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Funnel gradient icon

Funnel Successes

Your Funnel is the most crucial element in your business’ customer lifecycle. However most businesses do not invest time and resources to perfect their Funnel. While some prospects may install your app on the first encounter, most will not. Mystro paid particular attention to their Funnel at every touchpoint and have reaped the rewards, compounding marketing spend, onboarding goodwill, and free-trial-to-paid conversions, all of which impact their bottom line.

Email List Building

Lead Magnet

Increase in Daily Email Sign-ups

Mystro was experiencing a healthy volume of traffic to their website, but if prospects couldn’t make the tall commitment to convert and install Mystro’s app, they abandoned and were lost. Together, we built lead magnet & email capture infrastructure and collaborated on a “Tax Tips” Guide that evolved into “How to Make More Money in Your Rideshare Business,” which converted at a much higher rate. Now prospects become leads and Mystro can message them through a nurture campaign, converting those that may not be ready at a time when they are.

Mystro lead magnet

Web Display Ads

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

If prospects do not download the Lead Magnet “Guide” and abandon the site, they are lost. To counter this, we implemented a Remarketing campaign so prospects who abandon Mystro’s website without converting encounter display ads as they navigate to their favorite sites out on the greater web. Retargeting is extremely cost-effective at a CAC of $3.16 for an LTV of $100. Additionally, we a/b tested creative that lifted ad performance by 90% and generated clear messaging insights which guided other marketing initiatives.

Drip Email Nurture

Prospects, Onboarding, Churn & Reactivation

Multi-touch Drip Email Campaigns Created

While Mystro did have some drip email campaigns in place, like most startups, it was marked “Done” in its basic form long ago as they moved on to higher priority product work, common for early-stage companies. We worked together to build multiple nurture campaigns for each stage of the “Buyer Journey” leveraging a/b testing and conversion metrics to track lift and iterate where necessary.

Mystro Email Nurture Campaigns

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Conversion gradient icon

Conversion Successes

Conversion has many meanings and occurs at many different touchpoints along the “User Journey.” Mystro leadership is committed to building a Growth culture, and this means testing everything that they do. DeltΔgency & Mystro surfaced opportunities, ran tests and improved conversion across the User Journey.

Mystro A-B Testing Website
A/B Testing

Website Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Increase in Website Conversion

Mystro recognized the opportunity to improve website performance even though most initiatives sent traffic directly to the Google Play Store. DeltΔgency re-framed the messaging from product-based to benefit-based via copy and image recommendations. Mystro utilized their in-house CRO tool to test iterations and improved website performance substantially.


In-trial Email Messaging

Multi-touch Drip Email Campaigns Created

Once users install the Mystro app, they receive a nurture drip email campaign that is intended to convince free trial users to sign up for either a monthly or annual paid Mystro subscription. DeltΔgency created a challenger email campaign that focused on user engagement and activation, highlighting the benefits, introducing features and reinforcing the “why” in “why they drive.” The challenger campaign improved 14-day trial-to-paid conversions by over 40%.

Storytelling icon
Dollar sign icon
User Journey

Total Trial-to-Paid Conversions

Increase in Total Trial-to-Paid Conversion Rate (12% up from 9%)

Mystro has already realized an increase in total Trial-to-Paid Conversions from 9% to 12%, a 33% increase in performance, while partnering with DeltΔgency.

A word from Mystro Co-CEO & Founder, Matthew Rajcok:

“We were looking to experiment with growth efforts and pilot and optimize new growth channels. We had no full-time person on growth and were looking for someone who could bring experience.”

“Working with Deltagency is a pleasure. We’ve realized an immediate impact in both qualitative and quantitative initiatives. Our weekly calls and on-site meetings were well structured, super productive and efficient. Deltagency really helped organize all our growth efforts and kept the fire under our feet to keep multiple concurrent projects moving ahead. We are very pleased with the 33% improvement in conversions and we are excited to see even greater results going forward!”

Matthew Rajcok photo

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