


What is Retargeting (Remarketing)? Why It MUST Be a Part of Your Marketing Stack

If you own a business that is invested in selling goods or services, then over time you would have observed how the consumers nowadays are not so much, what we would like to call ‘trusting’. Consumers today, thanks to the online world, have their reach expanded to different corners of the globe and hence are in no hurry to choose a brand the first time it pops up before them. This observation is also backed by facts that suggest that for most of the websites, only 2% of the traffic conver
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What is Intent Marketing (Intent-based Marketing)?

With new technologies and technology service providers hitting the marketing world, the competition between brands is getting more competitive as they get smarter in how they market. In these circumstances, what can a brand do in order to attract more customers? How can a brand lure more visitors? Or perhaps, this isn't the right question at all. Now some of you will be wondering isn’t every brand already promoting their products to the best of their abilities? What more can they do in orde
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Marketing your Business on Instagram – 7 Tips to Grow Your Brand

Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has taken the world by storm and has grown into a powerful social media platform. With over 1 billion monthly active users, the photo-sharing platform is undeniably one of the most prominent social media channels. Creating stunning visual content will be the key to success on Instagram, as content shared on the platform primarily
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Facebook Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses – 7 Things You Must Know

With around 2.23 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a powerful social media channel as nearly all consumer markets are on Facebook. This dominance makes Facebook an unavoidable channel for any business or brand that focuses on social media marketing. In this article, we will be discussing seven things you must know about if you want your business to make an impact in the Facebook marketing space.

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LinkedIn Growth Marketing for Small Businesses (SMB), Startups, Solo-Entrepreneurs and Bloggers

LinkedIn has 546 million users as of March 2018 and continues to remain one of the fastest growing social media platforms. With such an incredible audience base, LinkedIn is undoubtedly a goldmine for businesses. A Read More